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About StreetYap

StreetYap is a ratings and reviews community where the members decide what gets reviewed. StreetYap is designed to be fresh and flexible, allowing the StreetYap community to voice opinions about current topics and trends. With the StreetYap Dynamic Category system, the community doesn't have to wait for an editor or moderator to catch up to the times. If people are interested in something, our community should know about it!

The StreetYap Mission

StreetYap's mission is to provide you and yours with the information they need, display it quickly, and be accessible universally free of charge. Since we put the needs of our users first, we have found that offering a high-quality user experience leads to increased traffic and strong word-of-mouth promotion. Our dedication to putting users first is reflected in three key commitments we have made to our StreetYap users:

  • We do our best to provide the service on the most relevant transport mediums possible, independent of financial incentives.
  • We will do our best to provide the most relevant and useful advertising. If any element on a result page is influenced by payment to us, we will make it clear to our users. Advertisements will not be an annoying interruption.
  • We will never stop working to improve our user experience, our broadcasting technology and other important areas of information presentation.

About General Technologies LLC

General Technologies LLC strives to be the leading worldwide independent provider of internet and wireless solutions to corporate and consumer users. Based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, General Technologies LLC is a vertically integrated company that places importance in accelerated time-to-market and time-to-volume products, integrated operations, design and implementation, product testing, systems assembly, human resources and sales & marketing. General Technologies LLC is a subsidiary of Wang Engineering Company, Inc. a leading engineering consulting firm founded in 1980.

General Technologies LLC is focused on building services that benefit our end users. Our goal is to establish highly reputable services that will enhance the lives of our users. Our products are designed to provide valuable insight whether it be through instant feedback reviews or enhancing communications while promoting mobile connectivity to individuals, groups, organizations, clubs, and families. We seek to work with individuals, communities, and organizations to best utilize our products.

We believe that the most effective way to accomplish our mission is to put the needs of our users first.